
View the Project on GitHub lawncegoh/duke

duke by Lawnce


Feature 1 - Add ToDos

Adds any todos to the list


  1. When user inputs command of “todo”, the remaining words behind such a command will be added into the .txt file that is in also stored in the repo. The writing of data is done real-time
  2. Will be tagged as T in the list

Example of usage:

todo borrow book

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [T][x] return book "Now you have " + tasks.getTaskArrayList().size() + " tasks in the list."

Feature 2 - Add Deadlines

Adds any deadlines to the list


  1. When user inputs command of “deadline”, the remaining words behind such a command will be added into the .txt file that is in also stored in the repo. The writing of data is done real-time.
  2. Additional feature is the inclusion of a deadline time at the end of the user input, this date and time will be parsed and converted to a date object in java terms and added to the output
  3. Will be tagged as D in the list

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by 21/7/2019 1800

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [D][x] return book (by: 21st of July 2019, 6:00pm) "Now you have " + tasks.getTaskArrayList().size() + " tasks in the list."

Feature 3 - Add Events

Adds any events to the list


  1. When user inputs command of “event”, the remaining words behind such a command will be added into the .txt file that is in also stored in the repo. The writing of data is done real-time.
  2. Additional feature is the inclusion of an event time at the end of the user input, this date and time will be parsed and converted to a date object in java terms and added to the output
  3. Will be tagged as E in the list

Example of usage:

event fly to Egypt /at 22/05/2019 1655

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [E][x] fly to Egypt (at: 22nd of May 2019, 4:55pm) "Now you have " + tasks.getTaskArrayList().size() + " tasks in the list."

Feature 4 - List

Shows the list of tasks


  1. Displays the list of tasks that is according to the .txt file that acts as the database file

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1. [T][x] return book 2. [D][x] return book (by: 21st of July 2019, 6:00pm) 3. [E][x] fly to Egypt (at: 22nd of May 2019, 4:55pm)

Feature 5 - Delete

Deletes a specific task in the list


  1. Scans for the integer after this command and delete the corresponding task in the list

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

1. [D][x] return book (by: 21st of July 2019, 6:00pm) 2. [E][x] fly to Egypt (at: 22nd of May 2019, 4:55pm)

Feature 6 - Done

Marks a specific task in the list as done


  1. Scans for the integer after this command and mark the corresponding task as done with a tick in the list

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

1. [D][✓] return book (by: 21st of July 2019, 6:00pm) 2. [E][x] fly to Egypt (at: 22nd of May 2019, 4:55pm)

Feature 7 - Find

Finds a specific task in the list


  1. Finds the tasks based on the keywords that are in the remaining words of the user’s input

Example of usage:

find return

Expected outcome:

1. [D][✓] return book (by: 21st of July 2019, 6:00pm)

Feature 8 - Exit

Exits the program


  1. Upon scanning of the exit command of “bye”, the program will terminate

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!